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▶ 1. Please indicate how your company delivers on human needs today

▶ 2. See what you can consider to do

1. Already delivering on human needs

If you are already delivering on human needs you can consider to:

1. Share your strategy with policy makers and other companies as companies that deliver on human needs are still uncommon.

2. Quantify your contribution.
How many people have you delivered on human needs for and in what way have you contributed to human needs

3. Assess possible negative contributions
Many companies today undermine human needs, some as part of the core business such as fast-food and fast fashion that contribute to obesity, stress, and distraction from empowered and healthy lifestyles. But also those that deliver on sustainability by providing for human needs can have negative impacts, ranging from providing sp much it becomes a problem, to undermining other human needs.
2. Provide enabling services

If you provide enabling services that potentially contributing to human needs you can consider to:

1. Conduct an assessment of your potential contributions to human needs using the full climate impact assessment approach and its four steps.

2. Identify clusters that can help you deliver on human needs in a sustainable way

3. Identify ways your enabling service can potentially undermine human needs and accelerate unsustainable trends.
3. Provide resources

If you provide resources that potentially can contribute to human needs you can consider to:

1. Conduct an assessment of your potential contributions to human needs using the full climate impact assessment approach and its four steps.

2. Identify clusters that can help you deliver on human needs in a sustainable way

3. Identify ways your resources can be part of systems that undermine human needs and accelerate unsustainable trends.
4. Provide biodiversity and/or animal rights solutions

If you provide solutions that deliver on biodiversity and/or animal rights you can consider to:

1. Conduct an assessment of how much biodiversity you contribute to and if it is compatible with an half-earth future.

2. Identify clusters that can help you deliver on human needs in a sustainable way

3. Identify ways your resources can be part of systems that undermine human needs and accelerate unsustainable trends.
5. Provide elimination of existential risks solutions

If you provide solutions that contribute to the reduced probability or elimination of existential risks you can consider to:

1. Communicate this work as almost no companies today recognise existential threats and their relation to them.

2. Assess how you can build capacity among other stakeholder in the area of existential risks.
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